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Gav's Caf

At my cafe, everyone looks busy with their coffee cups, their cigarettes, their little spoons. A choreography of solitude, and yet, clattering togetherness

Welcome to this exhibition, we really hope you enjoy it

Gav’s Caf is a weekend cafe and supper club run by picture collector and owner. This is a small, curated selection of work taken from the walls of his dining room. The collection is largely made from fine art prints but there are a few original paintings and photography as well.

His collection focuses on a core group of around 14 artists whose work he often revisits and collects - including Stephen Lawlor, Karen Daye-Hutchinson, Karl Hagan, Jackie Crooks, Yoko Akino, Stuart McHarrie, Jonathan Brennan, Helen O’Sullivan, Brian Ballard, May Patsy Chan, Richard Lawlor, Esther O’Kelly, Helen Lavery and Lisa Ballard.

The image notes are written by Gavin himself.

If you’d like to comment, you can at the end - and we’d love to hear what you thought. Thanks for visiting


The End

Thanks for visiting and having a look at these images, they are shared in the hope they will inspire and make people see the value in the art that surrounds us, even in cafes where we go about our day to day lives. Please sign the guest comments if you’d like to leave a comment or review

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3 February

A Harlot's Progress